

The secret to a great safari begins with meticulous and highly personalised planning by people who are devoted to this way of life. A great safari should be authentic, immersive and fun, for only then can it produce memories that will last a lifetime.

We firmly believe that at the centre of every great safari is the relationship between the guests and the person leading their safari. This is a fundamental part of our philosophy, which is why each safari is planned and managed by a Royal African Partner.

“No man is an island….” and it takes a team to deliver a Royal African safari. Our team of consultants and logistics maestros manage the Partners and communicate with you, all so essential to personalized safari planning and the support of our crew in the field.

They know the seasons and where the game is likely to be; they understand outfitting a safari so that you will have the best of equipment and foods. And above all, they are delightful companions; their stories around the campfire make your safari something to remember.

Over African Jungles


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